Fringe Dwellers And Freaks-Business Call For YOU
Posted by Diane Hochman
9:27 pm est
641 594-7000
Pass code 600088#
Replay will be available at
Mobile post sent by dianehochman using Utterli.
Archive of Marketing Training Calls With Diane Hochman
To Reach Diane Hochman call 860 585-0882
Posted by Diane Hochman
Posted by Diane Hochman
Exciting News...
I am now posting at
And very soon
will become the home of my live streaming video show
So pop over to my main blog for all the new audios and content
And check back for the LIVE SHOW!
Thanks so much!
Posted by Diane Hochman
Posted by Diane Hochman
Posted by Diane Hochman
This was a special Sunday night call where I explain why so many marketers
find that their prospects RUN AWAY
It's all genetic guys...
And if you understand the human thought process you will understand how
to get people to buy what you are selling :)
Posted by Diane Hochman
Posted by Diane Hochman
Posted by Diane Hochman
Posted by Diane Hochman
Posted by Diane Hochman in 90 day plans, establish momentum, summer 2009
This audio details a little known window of opportunity that is going on
RIGHT NOW for home business owners
Posted by Diane Hochman in Diane Hochman, mlm coaching, mlm training, summer school
It's Summer 2009
And this may be the most important moment for your
home business in the next TEN Years
I have put together three videos that will show you exactly
why and tell you what I have in store for a few special students.
Check it out here at
If you need anything shoot me an email at
Posted by Diane Hochman in action, motivation, Vision
Do You Have A Motivation Problem?
Check out this audio and you will EXACTLY how to fix that situation.
Posted by Diane Hochman
Posted by Diane Hochman in home business marketing, leaders, leaders club, new school, old school, private coaching calls
Here's the audio to Wednesdays BIG conference call.
In it we discussed and defined old school and new school
home business marketing methods and dug into HOW to find the
right direction.
The link I speak about at the end for the 7 day trial is
Posted by Diane Hochman
Posted by Diane Hochman in negative self image, negative self talk
If you haven't heard already heard..
I started a VLOG which stands for video log.
It's been really fun and if you want to see some of the posts
check them out at
Anyways..the other day I did a vlog post on Negative Self talk and I got such a response to it that I decided to do a whole conference call on it.
So here is the video:
And here is the call:
Posted by Diane Hochman in England, go the distance, NY, paddle paddle kick kick
I gotta say this was one of the most unusual calls I have ever done.
I set up a unique analogy to describe my 10 year journey that culminated
with a HUGE benchmark last week.
When I began way back when...
I DECIDED that I wanted a
And that was the guiding light for me from MLM Dweeb to seasoned trainer.
Listen to this and let me know your thoughts
Posted by Diane Hochman in alpha code, courage, flipping the bird, greatness I admit it...
I am a lovely lady..
Well mannered and all...
But once in a while the NEW YORK CITY TOUGHNESS comes out of me
and I use a few CHOICE WORDS.
This was one of those calls when I went into an alter ego and BOOM
Some "special" words came out.
The topic of the call was
To The Extend That You RESIST Your Own Greatness Is
To The Extent That You Will Be RULED By Other People
But in the end what really came out was a CHALLENGE
A call to arms for ALL that know that inside they are something
So in the call I ask...
Do you have the ________???
Listen in to find out what I said that caused all the stir.
P.S. and BTW...It was KNOCK KNOCK joke night!! You'll get it when you listen.
Posted by Diane Hochman
Posted by Diane Hochman in alpha code, psychic revolver, revolving door money, verizon
This was such a cool call.
Around 5 pm the afternoon of the call I got a call that gave me a revelation.
It made me look back through all my files to get to my 2006 records.
Listen to hear what I discovered and to find out how you can make
That means your customers will come back again and again!
Pretty cool :)
Posted by Diane Hochman in attraction marketers, attraction marketing
Here it is...
The controversial call I did last Monday...
Why Most Attraction Marketers Can't Attract A Soul..
Let Alone a Dime
The biggest call I have ever had with the most feedback.
Overwhelming response in fact.
I'd love to hear your thoughts...
Leave a comment and let me know what you think.
And can find me every Monday night at 9:27 pm est
641 594-7000
Pass code 600088#
If you were looking for the link to get into classes with me its
Once you take the trial you will hear from me to get into on my
Private classes.
Fast forward about 7 minutes in to get into the ACTION
Posted by Diane Hochman
Back in January I first did a teleseminar on what I call
The Full Dimensional Plan
Which is a plan on how to create income from all different angles
in your home business
And by popular demand I did a webinar on the topic this week
Fast forward about 15 minutes in to get into the meat of the call.
The first 15 are greetings and testimonials
The online portion was just a few slides...
The audio is perfectly understandable without them.
Posted by Diane Hochman in army, rick brown
Last weekend I was at The Million Mind March Live Seminar
Wisdom School and at the end I was blown away by one of the
guys who at the end got up and Let it rip on the crowd...
This guy was RILED UP and I knew I needed to share him with all of you
So I invited Rick Brown...
Who has served our country in the Army for almost TWENTY YEARS to
come by my Monday call and share with all of you.
Which is why we call him RICK ROCK!
Here is the recording
Posted by Diane Hochman in fat lady, the million mind march, webinar gone wild
Well formerly fat anyway
Ever see the pic of me just when I was starting out in MLM?
That's how this whole thing started you know...
Trying to lose weight...
You can read the story on my other blog if you like...
So anyways...
I used the crazy headline
Tonight The Fat Lady Sings Twice
to get you to look...
If you're reading worked! here's the scoop and then I have goodies for you:
As always at 9:27 pm est I am doing The Million Mind March call
Dial in 641 594-7000
Pass code 600088#
I am gonna do some MARKETING TALK tonight.
Some sales psychology that wind you up and make you ready for more.
We'll do a half hour or so.
And then at 10:30 pm est...
A long awaited WEBINAR GONE WILD
If you have never been to one...
It's been a while since I have been in the mood to do one.
Truth is...doing conference calls is easy peasy for me...
You can hear reams of them for f.ree here
But doing webinars are much harder for me...I am such a dork with the computer..
That is why I call them Webinars Gone Wild as I don't follow any of the
so called fancy webinar rules... I just let er rip REAL TIME showing stuff on the net.
Truth is I am a certified Digital Dingbat who can't type..
I screw up all the time...
And I actually dare to let you peek and see just how bad I am ...
I earn a living on the net...
And you can too!
If you learn some simple stuff...
So what I want you to do is go to and take
a look at the invite and decide if this class is for you.
Read carefully as I give a DISCLAIMER.
And then if you want to hang out with me register and show up later on.
I have a call in 7 mins so I gotta rush and get this done...
Stuff for you
New Post on
New Videos:
Ten Cent Tool To Make Your Home Business Grow
Learn this and You Will Score Forever in M L M Part 1
Learn This And You Will Score Forever in M L M Part 2
Diane Hochman Mopped Floors To Get Here
Enjoy all that and let me know if you have any questions or
if I can help you at all.
I am TIRED of watching what is going on out there...
Tired of watching ROADKILL.
And I am BENT on bringing up some new leaders this Spring.
Are you one of them?
Let me know.
See you tonight,
Just for fun
Posted by Diane Hochman
In order to celebrate starting up my new site and to vent about some of the stuff I see going on out in the marketplace I did a very special call this past Monday.
If you are in MLM, have been in MLM or want to be in MLM I highly suggest you listen to this one.
The call is recorded in it's entirety from meet and greet to the after call hang out session so if you want to get right to the meat fast forward 14 minutes in.
If you want to grab the 2 cd set I mention you can get it here
Sorry the audio is kinda crummy :) I think having the line so packed impact stuff.
But it is...
Posted by Diane Hochman
So you wanna be full time?
That's what they all say!
Listen to this and find out WHEN you will be track to go FULL TIME
Posted by Diane Hochman in day job bail out, the million mind march
This is the live Million Mind March call from March 2nd
In it a illustrate WHY you already know what to do...
You just don't think you do.
Listen to this and leave me your thoughts.
Posted by Diane Hochman in love is the killer app, servanthood marketing, tim saunders
This is a recording of last Monday's SOLD OUT call.
I know a bunch of you have been waiting for it.
The topic is Servanthood Marketing.
And today more than ever this concept is CRITICAL...
Especially if you are working in social media.
If you don't like to listen to the meet and greet fast forward...
But be sure to listen to the after call if you want to learn some
prospecting moves that I taught the die hards that stayed till the very end.
Posted by Diane Hochman in narrative, world's greatest wealth formula
Posted by Diane Hochman in bill murray, cycles in your business, groundhogs day
Posted by Diane Hochman in 2009 success plan, business plans, full dimensional plan
In this call I lay out the plan I have worked in
my business for many years now.
I call it the Full Dimentional Plan because when you work it
you earn money in MANY DIMENTIONS.
Be sure you have a notebook handy when you listen to this.
Picture drawing will be necessary :)
Posted by Diane Hochman
Posted by Diane Hochman in authenticity academy, live calls, The Milion Mind March, vampires, wisdom
Ok..Here we go...
The first Monday of 2009...
Are you prepared?
I have a few things I wanted to share with you today.
I have a live coaching call TONIGHT at 9:27 pm est
Dial in to 641 594-7000
Pass code 600088#
Wish me a happy new year when you come on...
I have a BIG message for you tonight that will set you into
action for the new year
If you missed the last few calls of 2008 and want to get yourself ready
you can find them here:
You know you are DYING to KNOW...
What the heck is the Secret Shower Video????
Go Watch it HERE and find out
This is what goes on in the world of Diane Hochman
And last but not least
I did a special private call last night.
And afterwards I KNEW I needed to do something very special to get 2009
off on the right foot.
Listen to this audio to find out about AUTHENTICITY ACADEMY
Listen Here
And how you can use it to MOVE YOURSELF into a successful year.
Shoot me back an email if this is for you right away.
I am only going to do this with a handful of people.
Doesn't matter if you work with me or not...
Doesn't matter what program you are building
And You'll know if it's for you.
If it is...don't hesitate.
This will go very quickly.
I want you to know how much I appreciate your reading my blog
In this day and age with the internet and all it is hard to meet REAL people.
Everything is prefabricated and premeditated.
I FIGHT every day to NOT become that.
I want you to know I DO want to hear from you...
YES..sometimes I am super busy running a family and a business...
But I WILL get back with you and I do want to hear about all that is
happening with you.
Please come by tonight at 9:27 pm est and hang out at The Million Mind March
641 594-7000
Pass code 60088#
I'd LOVE your feedback on the message.
See you there...
Posted by Diane Hochman in closure, vampires
Year end call for 2009 but a great call for ANYTIME
CLOSURE...Vampires and Ben Franklin are discussed.